Awesome Friday

It was an awesome Friday.  Don’t have time right now to tell the whole story, but for me to say it was awesome is pretty significant in my mind.

But then again, I’m thought of by many as “crazy”, the way many thought Walt Disney was “crazy”, or Barack Obama is crazy.

One of the things that was significant today was the tremendous validation for my efforts to make the world a better place.

What a blast. Making these jeff noel You Tube videos.  This one is border line blooper.  But then again, I had so much fun this morning at physical therapy – the reason I was at Florida Hospital Celebration Health – that I’m totally ok with it.

It beats not making these You Tube videos and wondering what it must take to do them.   Ya with me?

It’s Friday night as I post this.  Carpe PM, jeff noel  🙂

Is Disney Enthusiasm Transferable to Everything?

Is Disney Enthusiasm transferable to everything?

Check out this post at jungle to see my answer.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Orlando’s jeff noel on SEO

Orlando’s jeff noel on SEOSearch Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, is pretty much the same thing, so don’t over look reading about Search Engine Marketing.

Here are a couple easy things I did to learn about, and then execute on, search engine optimization, or SEO.

  1. Google SEO
  2. Google Search Engine Marketing (don’t Google SEM – your Google results for SEM will be poor)
  3. Google Meta Tags
  4. Google Tags
  5. Register a domain name (I recommend Go Daddy)
  6. Practice (there is no substitute for hard work)
  7. Keep it simple – try blogging ( I recommend WordPress)
  8. Use You Tube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and other Social Media Marketing tools
  9. Pray  🙂

Good luck to you.  I wish you success beyond your wildest dreams.

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

PS.  I’m currently on track to exceed 1,000,000 clicks in a year, by practicing what I’ve preached.

I guarantee that is totally beyond my wildest dreams.  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, You Tube, Blogs, SEO……

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, You Tube, Blogs, SEO……

What does it all mean?

Not sure exactly.

I have pretty decent intuition.  I can see farther out than many can.

What does all of that mean?

Again, not sure really.

But I do know one thing for sure.

I believe that it’s possible for one individual to work hard, follow some common sense guidelines, and reach one million website hits in the course of one year.

A million in a year?


How do I know?

Because I’m well on my way to doing it.

There are probably two camps of readers at this moment:

  1. jeff noel sure is egotistical.  What a jerk!  He’s must think he’s special.
  2. jeff noel sure is inspiring.  He’s a nobody, but he’s willing to work very hard to do the impossible.

I hope most of you subscribe to number two.  🙂

Bottomline:  I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I’m not.

We’re all gonna die sometime.  This is the great equalizer and common denominator among all humans.

What is not common is, as Mother Theresa said, “If you can’t do great things, do small things with great love”.

That’s all I’m trying to do?

What are you trying to do?

Hope it’s great.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂