Track Shack running shoe selection viewed from my seat yesterday.
Notice upper left and right in photo above? Love to run, live to run translate to love to write, live to write.
Six years ago (Spring 2009) was contemplating how to overcome three decades of excuses for not writing the book that was a solemn promise back in 1979.
And in this contemplative thought, a seriously absurd notion:
What if you challenged yourself to a 100-day, self-imposed writer’s bootcamp? All you have to do is write one blog a day for each of your five websites.
It was so utterly impossible that the challenge actually felt insanely compelling and motivating. Could the impossible actually be possible?
thank God for WordPress (photo: Chuck the Pool Guy)
Speaking of being decisive, have spent the past four days reading, thinking, experimenting, and making decisions on Mid Life Celebration’s websites and blogs. The biggest changes are being implemented as I type this.
Ending the fourth year of building the business foundation, content and contacts.Now for some bricks and mortar, wallpaper, carpet, and a Paypal account.
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This month I’m inviting the Mid Life Celebration community to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It couldn’t be easier to go from this HQ blog to the mental attitude blog , just click -> go to Next Blog