Got Soul?

Got soul?

Yesterday morning, at Church, I wrote down two things our Deacon said:

  1. What gift am I giving my children?
  2. Deep and unspeakable suffering.

These two groups of words resonated with me.  And while I can’t put my finger on it at the moment, I am processing it and will figure out if it’s something I can write about.

Have  GREAT Monday.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Is Disney Enthusiasm Transferable to Everything?

Is Disney Enthusiasm transferable to everything?

Check out this post at jungle to see my answer.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

jeff noel now on Twitter

jeff noel is now on Twitter.

Joined Twitter a few days ago.

Took the plunge.

Did you see the cover of this week’s Time Magazine?

The Time Magazine issue I have Twitter on the cover.  Seriously.

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you what I did today – in terms of social networking that is.

Hey, I hope you have a great day.  This is an exciting time we live in.  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

jeff noel Talks About Lane

Happy Sunday everyone.  

It was weird taking a week off from posting here at jeff

But, you guessed it, I posted on three other blogs every single day – 21 jeff noel blog posts this week.

Quantity is a good thing.

Like I said before, if you want to be a great runner, you need to run a a lot.

If you want to be a great writer, it would make sense that you should write a lot.

And, to mix it up, use other methods to say the same thing.  Here’s a jeff noel midlife You Tube video from

Never let your memories be bigger than your dreams. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂