A Good Google Thing to Do

Google Profile, Got One?

I didn’t have one and my buddy, Chuck, reminded me that having one is a good Google thing to do.

So I did it yesterday.  It turned out pretty decent – click here to see.

Not sure why I waited so long to do it.

Seems like Chuck and I were in the right place, at the right time.

That’s part of my vision for Mid Life Celebration, LLC.  To be in the right place at the right time, for the right person.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give advice to any of you.  I simply hope that my story, sounds like your story – in a different, but similar sort of way – and that you may take solace or find inspiration, to help make our World a better place.

“We can.  We will.  If we all work together”.  — Barack Obama

“If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”. — jeff noel –  Carpe diem  🙂

Is Life a Beach?

Is Life a Beach?


Check it out:

It’s nice to see me laugh. I am such an intense person. But deep own inside, I’m just like our eight-year old son. Childish!

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Happy Birthday Disneyland

Happy Birthday, Disneyland.

July 17, 1955.

Walt Disney couldn’t have envisioned how unbelievably successful his business philosophy would turn out.

The World is a better place, I think, because of his creativity and dedication to quality.

I’ve applied those two concepts to virtually every aspect of my personal and professional life.

Not only is the World better, but I think I’m better too, because of Walt Disney.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂



Well, not exactly.

Then what?

Pressed for time, actually.

You know there are four other jeff noel blogs out there right?  Visit the others and later today, I’ll say what I really wanted to say.

Gotta go, my taxi is waiting – 5:30AM departure.  Good thing I’m a morning person, eh?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Life Is Good @ 1 Push Up A Day

Life Is Good if you can do one push up per day.  Do that for a week.  Then, the next week, do two push ups per day.

Continue to add one push up per day, for every week since you started.

Oh wait, I can already read your mind, “This is stupid”.

If I fail at anything, it’s almost always because I don’t stick with it.

Over a decade ago, I vowed to accept the challenge contained in this post.  I thought, “How hard could it be.  Seriously”?

Sticking with it has created a life-changing path for me.  If you have any motivation in you, may I challenge you to read this – Hello World

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS.  I did this for two years – 104 pushups in one day.  Now I do 40, two or three times per week.