jeff noel on Hard Work

Orlando’s jeff noel speaks briefly on hard work in this jeff noel You Tube video.

Hard work is the key, in my opinion. Making choices, staying focused and looking ahead are also key ingredients in the recipe for success.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

PS.  Forgot to mention, having fun is real important too.   Did you catch the mini-blooper at the end?  🙂  🙂

Is Disney Enthusiasm Transferable to Everything?

Is Disney Enthusiasm transferable to everything?

Check out this post at jungle to see my answer.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Orlando’s jeff noel: Blogging Benefits

Orlando’s jeff noel on the benefits of blogging.

  1. Serving
  2. Branding
  3. Networking
  4. Marketing
  5. Income

It’s really that simple.   But remember, simple doesn’t mean easy.

No rules for success will work unless you do.

Carpe diem,  jeff noel 🙂