

Well, not exactly.

Then what?

Pressed for time, actually.

You know there are four other jeff noel blogs out there right?  Visit the others and later today, I’ll say what I really wanted to say.

Gotta go, my taxi is waiting – 5:30AM departure.  Good thing I’m a morning person, eh?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Life Is Good @ 1 Push Up A Day

Life Is Good if you can do one push up per day.  Do that for a week.  Then, the next week, do two push ups per day.

Continue to add one push up per day, for every week since you started.

Oh wait, I can already read your mind, “This is stupid”.

If I fail at anything, it’s almost always because I don’t stick with it.

Over a decade ago, I vowed to accept the challenge contained in this post.  I thought, “How hard could it be.  Seriously”?

Sticking with it has created a life-changing path for me.  If you have any motivation in you, may I challenge you to read this – Hello World

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS.  I did this for two years – 104 pushups in one day.  Now I do 40, two or three times per week.

Yesterday’s Blog Post Was Too…

Yesterday’s jeff noel blog post was way too long.  Today’s will be, well, the opposite.

That’s correct.  It’ll be short.  Much shorter than yesterday.

Make it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will.  If not today, when?  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

PS.  There’s plenty more to read from today’s posts, if you’re so inclined.  Just click the links under PAGES, in the top right column.

A Very Nice Ending

Had a very nice ending to a great week.  The Writer’s Retreat was highly productive.  Set a significant, new benchmark number for weekly website hits.

I attribute this to the both the quality and quantity of time spent learning, and applying what I learned, each day.

I was pleasantly surprised and delighted yesterday morning, when I went to the front office at Mitchell’s Sand Castles , to check on coming back next year.

Frank, who I had just met a week ago, was new.  In fact everyone there was new.  Not new to hospitality.  New to Mitchell’s Sand Castles.

I was nervous about the sweeping change in management and wrote about this at www.junglejeff.net on July 3, in a blog post entitled,  This Reminds Me .

To make a long story short, Frank blew me away with his efforts to go above and beyond to make me feel special.

Sunday mornings are always busy in a Resort, but Frank made me feel like the only customer he had.  I got to know him and really enjoyed building a nice relationship with him.

We’ve been visiting Mitchell’s Sand Castles for 21 years – this was our 23 time, which is how I knew it would be the perfect place for my first Writer’s Retreat.

If you are looking for Old Florida Charm, in a Beach Cottage setting, along with a laid-back, informal atmosphere, on a secluded side of Sanibel Island, Mitchell’s Sand Castles is perfect.

It ain’t the Ritz-Carlton, but we love everything about it, especially the fact that our dog is welcome.

Wish there was more time to write, but I’m back to the real world tomorrow and have go press my white button-down shirt for tomorrow morning.

I miss the Sanibel Island sunsets, the Sanibel sea shelling, the Sanibel beach, the palm trees, the sunshine, the soothing sound of the Gulf of Mexico, and my new friend, Frank.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Professional Speaker

Professional Speaker.

That’s what I do.  I talk and people listen.

How scary is that?

Pretty scary.   Everyone staring at you, expecting you to be smart and funny.

Because I’m hard-wired for excellence, I’m always looking for ways to become smarter and funnier.

You know, to become a better Professional Speaker.

I’ve taken to writing.  Seriously.

  1. www.MidLifeCelebration.com
  2. www.Lane8.org
  3. www.junglejeff.net
  4. www.jeffnoel.org
  5. www.jeffnoel.com

Overachiever?  Maybe.

Living with regret?  Doubtful.

If you’re goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

Audacious.  Yep!  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂