42 Days

June 24 means 42 days.  It almost looks dyslexic.

Forty-two days until the prelims at the 2009 Master’s Track & Field World Championships.

Normally, this would mean nothing to me.

This year is different.

I’ll be running in them.  Seriously.

My goal is to be in the worst lane, Lane 8.

Visit www.Lane8.org to see why.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Got Soul?

Got soul?

Yesterday morning, at Church, I wrote down two things our Deacon said:

  1. What gift am I giving my children?
  2. Deep and unspeakable suffering.

These two groups of words resonated with me.  And while I can’t put my finger on it at the moment, I am processing it and will figure out if it’s something I can write about.

Have  GREAT Monday.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

jeff noel on Hard Work

Orlando’s jeff noel speaks briefly on hard work in this jeff noel You Tube video.

Hard work is the key, in my opinion. Making choices, staying focused and looking ahead are also key ingredients in the recipe for success.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

PS.  Forgot to mention, having fun is real important too.   Did you catch the mini-blooper at the end?  🙂  🙂

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, You Tube, Blogs, SEO……

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, You Tube, Blogs, SEO……

What does it all mean?

Not sure exactly.

I have pretty decent intuition.  I can see farther out than many can.

What does all of that mean?

Again, not sure really.

But I do know one thing for sure.

I believe that it’s possible for one individual to work hard, follow some common sense guidelines, and reach one million website hits in the course of one year.

A million in a year?


How do I know?

Because I’m well on my way to doing it.

There are probably two camps of readers at this moment:

  1. jeff noel sure is egotistical.  What a jerk!  He’s must think he’s special.
  2. jeff noel sure is inspiring.  He’s a nobody, but he’s willing to work very hard to do the impossible.

I hope most of you subscribe to number two.  🙂

Bottomline:  I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I’m not.

We’re all gonna die sometime.  This is the great equalizer and common denominator among all humans.

What is not common is, as Mother Theresa said, “If you can’t do great things, do small things with great love”.

That’s all I’m trying to do?

What are you trying to do?

Hope it’s great.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

jeff noel now on Twitter

jeff noel is now on Twitter.

Joined Twitter a few days ago.

Took the plunge.

Did you see the cover of this week’s Time Magazine?

The Time Magazine issue I have Twitter on the cover.  Seriously.

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you what I did today – in terms of social networking that is.

Hey, I hope you have a great day.  This is an exciting time we live in.  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂