Who said, “We can. We will. If we all work together”.
Does it even matter?
The premise here, is that we can not solve our Nation’s challenges and rise to meet our glorious Nation’s enormous opportunities, without the help of everyone.
Take nature. Look at an ant colony. Is there a single, solitary ant that doesn’t have a purpose?
I’m neither a scientist nor a genius. But I am observant.
In those three short sentences were the nine words, of the 2,401 President Barack Obama spoke at his inauguration, that really inspired me.
I won’t expect anyone else to be perfect until I become perfect myself. Ya with me?
Please don’t expect others, Washington DC, or anything, to be perfect. If you can’t do it, how can you expect someone else to?
Wow. I don’t know what got into me today. I do know, however that whatever it was, I’m sure it wasn’t perfect.
Carpe diem, jeff noel