Island Time?

Island Time?

Indeed.  It’s the pace of life while on vacation on a tropical island.

This post marks the fifth one this morning.  


Because I love to write.  I am a writer.  And a professional speaker.

The more I speak and the more I write, the better I get.

It’s the same with running too.

Which reminds me, I better get going before it gets too hot.

Happy July everyone.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS:   jungle jeff,  Lane 8,  Mid Life Celebration,  jeff

Running for Mayor?


Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.

So, I’ve decided to become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

I’m runnin’ for Mayor!


Mayor of Margaritaville!

Gotta go for now.  Hitting the campaign trail, but first, breakfast – it’s the most important meal of the day, eh?

Carpe diem, my potential Parrothead friends, jeff noel  🙂


Blown away?  Seriously?



Excellent question grasshopper.

Please visit today’s post at Lane to find out why.

I really appreciate you visiting  jeff and any of the other blogs I post daily.

It is my sincere intent to help make the world a better place before my time here is up.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS.  I work desperately hard to practice what I preach.  Desperately hard.

PSS.  The other reason I’m blown away is that Friday’s web site statistics produced a record setting day for web site traffic at .  I don’t want to reveal it at this time because it will quite possibly sound like I’m bragging.

Blown Away

Blown Away.

I’ll explain this tomorrow.

Gotta go for now.

Peace, jeff noel  🙂

Why the Smiley Face Every Time?

Why the smiley face every time?

Five blogs per day.  Five smiley faces per day.


This past school year, our eight-year old son read most nights.  He was responsible for logging what he read, how many pages and the elapsed time spent reading.  He also was responsible  for getting my wife or I to sign our name for each entry.

I always signed my name with a smiley face.

One day I stopped doing it, thinking it was silly, or maybe immature.

Later, my wife told me that our son spoke to her about it, and wondered why I had stopped.

So I asked my son why he even noticed, because I didn’t think he did.

Well guess what?  He did notice.  He liked them, and he missed  them.  And I’m back to adding a smiley face every time I sign my name.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS.  Life is what happens while we’re busy making other plans.  🙂