jeff noel Hates Vacation

Okay, so I made that up. But you know there are some people who actually hate vacation, because vacation takes them away from their medicine.

Huh?  Yes, their medicine. As a workaholic myself, from a long line of workaholics, being busy and then suddenly not being busy, well, you can almost see the panic rush in.

And honestly, I’m having a moment right now that has me wondering, “How bad is my disease?” Today is the first day of a two-week vacation.

How will I function if I don’t have anything pressing at work?

Just for the record, I do NOT hate vacation, but here is the short list of things jeff noel does hate:

  1. Mosquitoes
  2. Cock Roaches
  3. Termites
  4. Whiners


Ain’t much in life guaranteed, is there?  Death and taxes, to be sure.


That’s the one.

What a beautiful gift death should be.

Just like what a beautiful gift birth should be.

And the beautiful gift of the part called “life” – in between the two.

And here’s one more thing that’s guaranteed – life will be difficult.


And this simple fact presents us with the most glorious opportunity known to humankind.

Carpe diem.

Reach Relevance Impact

Reach.  Relevance.  Impact.

Just before the entire Columbia, South Carolina airport power went out, I was filming a one-take-You Tube video of another airport hallway billboard sign.

Had the power not gone off, I would have finished the one-take-You Tube video with, “What I am trying to do is expand my reach, relevance and impact.”

I mean, who doesn’t want to do that?

Or maybe, it’s just crazy talk, or inappropriate, to think that one person might start something that could help make the world a better place.

jeff noel Five A Day

We are never so poor we don’t have something to give.

We are never so rich we don’t have something to receive.

Ever thought about that?

For me, not too much, until our Priest shared it on Sunday. But I wrote it down, it was that powerful, in that moment.

Later, it hit me. It reminds me of who we are as human beings.

And then, humbly, it helped me process why writing five-a-day daily blogs is now an important part of my life.

Are you doing all you can?