Can you name off some things that you want as badly as your next breath?
What are you doing to make them happen?
Need honest feedback and encouragement to transform?
Please know these generalized truths…
Don’t expect anyone to be honest with you if you’re not willing to be honest with yourself.
Don’t expect anyone to be honest with you if you’re not honest with anybody else.
Now that this is on your radar…
Can you taste how your life will be transformed when you are honest with yourself, and everyone else?
What is holding you back from being honest with yourself?
Are those things real or imagined?
Are they overcome-able?
• • • • •
This website is about our HOME. This is the fifth of five daily, differently-themed blog posts about: (1) mind, (2) body, (3) spirit, (4) work, (5) home. To return to Mid Life Celebration, the site about MIND, click here.
Yesterday afternoon, the coin toss at High School.
Left foreground: Dr Rawlings (English) and our Son (new to school, freshman) talking about the low attendance.
My goal with attending as many after school activities, like yesterday’s Football game, is simply to provide social time for a new-to-the-school freshman.
As we drove home after halftime (he didn’t know anyone at the game) i shared what had happened with the attorney. His 15-year old, inexperienced, yet unbiased (really), reaction was one of literal disgust that someone would “try to take an innocent person’s money for no good reason”. He may be inexperienced, but he (like many teens) has an exceptionally honest (and untarnished) take on life.
“You can’t steal someone’s money”.
PS. To try to make a case that i was stealing copyright revenues and business opportunities is absurd. Really.
Some thoughts/questions for posterity:
Has the author and/or the attorney ever exceeded the posted speed limit? Ever driven a vehicle after having had a few drinks at a celebration? Ever ridden in a vehicle with someone who has? Ever accidentally made a bad move while driving because they had a blind spot? The whole notion of the poem is the legacy of how we live our life. Coming after me under the circumstances feels like a witch hunt. If there is anger at the constant need to protect a famous asset, do you honestly see me as a threat and willful violator?
Disney made a south Florida Day Care paint over a Disney Character mural on their building wall. Disney did not seek financial compensation, and Disney did not seek to make an example of the Day Care. Honestly, the Day Care had no idea they had violated copyright laws in a willful, malicious, competitive manner. Disney knew this too. The goal is in protecting the valuable asset so that it is always presented in the best way.
Even if the author offered to pay me to place her poem on one or all five of my sites, i would decline. Why? Because my brand and hers do not match.
This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.
Culture is when we do this without thinking – everything.
Culture is what we think and do without thinking.
How committed would you be to organizing your efforts around crystal clear communication with the leaders within a group (work group, community group, Family unit, etc) , even though we might see each other a few brief times each year?
This is an incredible test of patience, and…
Leading with humility and forgiveness and gratitude – even if you have no title.
Okay, so I made that up. But you know there are some people who actually hate vacation, because vacation takes them away from their medicine.
Huh? Yes, their medicine. As a workaholic myself, from a long line of workaholics, being busy and then suddenly not being busy, well, you can almost see the panic rush in.
And honestly, I’m having a moment right now that has me wondering, “How bad is my disease?” Today is the first day of a two-week vacation.
How will I function if I don’t have anything pressing at work?
Just for the record, I do NOT hate vacation, but here is the short list of things jeff noel does hate: