Guess what this Summer’s question is?

Magic Kingdom paper cutting artist
What is he cutting?


June 8, 1959. Day he was born.

Forty years later in 1999 he finally figured out why.

He turns 55 in two days.

How cool is that?

For 15 years transformation has been occurring at such a slow and steady pace, imperceptibly.

Last Summer he asked everyone if the Summer of 2013 would be our best ever.

Guess what this Summer’s question is?

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Happy Birthday Donna Flanagin

Big news, it’s Donna’s birthday!


Hey Mid Life Celebration friends, Donna Flanagin has a very special birthday this weekend. Donna has been here since the very beginning – steady, encouraging, loyal, helpful, kind. Here are some special things I appreciate about Donna:

  • Donna is a fellow WordPress blogger.
  • Donna’s a successful small business entrepreneur.
  • She’s also a fellow Disney fan and advocate.
  • She passionately applies Disney best practices better than anyone I know.

But wait, there’s more, Donna gives back to her community freely:

  • Donna and her daughter’s are the Flanagin Fairies.
  • In Valparaiso, Indiana Donna puts her time where her values are.

There are two ways to live life – as if few things are a miracle, or as if everything is a miracle. Donna is a perfect example of the later. Happy birthday Donna.

Shhhh, it’s a surprise

My wife and I decided this year to do something a bit different from our usual tradition.

Each year our son’s birthday is a pretty big production.  Cheryl is amazingly gifted as a planner, organizer, and she absolutely delivers the goods.

Don’t know how she does it.  Seriously. She works harder at her job than just about anyone at Disney.  Biased?  Of course.  But you know me by now, I calls ’em likes I sees ’em.

Anyway, there isn’t going to be a big par-tay this year.  Chapin is cool with that.

But there will be a big gift.

We got it today.

At the Apple Store.

I planted a seed with him today, “I’d like you to think about ways you can make money.  I’d like you to think about ways you can help me with my retirement business.  If you do, I can pay you”.

His eyes lit up.

The world is changing.  No secret there.  What I will not wait for, is to find out how it’s going to change.

Instead, I’m determined to write my own ticket, so to speak.

“If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”. — jeff noel

That’s right, many people think a young child can not help an adult build a business.

People say a lot of things can’t be done, mostly because of doubt, fear, jealousy, guilt, etc.  I get that.  Been there myself.

But not any more.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂