Late Breaking News

Look, I really don’t know how to say this, but I have to say it.

It simply demands to be said.  But I didn’t say it.

Well, I’ve been saying it, but I have never said it this way.

“You’re an idiot if you want to be great but don’t take a few minutes to read this.”

And to top it all off, when you get to Seth Godin’s blog post, you’ll be an even bigger idiot if you don’t click on his hyperlink, “I wrote this post.”

PS. And by idiot, I only mean the Wikipedia version:  “someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way.”

Are You Getting This?

The Difference?
The Difference?

Many great thinkers, game changers some call them, have had to deal with ridicule and doubt most of their lives.

There comes a point, however, when something clicks, something comes together and others finally embrace their crazy notions:

There is one significant difference between the people who make the list and those that don’t.

Seth Godin Blogger Interview

Seth Godin, Blogger extraordinaire, recently did an interview for Josh Bernoff,  senior vice president, idea development at Forrester Research.

If you have any desire to be a blogger, be a better blogger, or if you ever wondered why I write five blog posts per day, every day, click here.

That’s it for today. If you are taking a short cut and not clicking to read the interview with Seth, you are making a huge mistake.

Maybe saying that was a mistake.  Do two mistakes make a right?

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂