jeff noel and Search Engines

jeff noel and Search Engines.  SEO. Search engine optimization.  Google. Yahoo, Bing. Safari. Firefox. Internet Explorer. Mozilla.  There are a ton of search engines out there.

Mostly, I use Google.  Why?  Google is the most recognized, and Google dominates search engine traffic.

Meeting with a fellow writer yesterday, he was using Yahoo. He told me that jungle jeff and Lane 8 we’re number one on the Yahoo search engine.  I didn’t believe him until he did the jungle jeff and lane 8 Yahoo searches.

Amazing.  Even more amazing, or maybe more interesting, was that on Yahoo, ranked higher than  Not sure how that is possible.  And at this point in the journey, there are bigger challenges to worry about.

Do you have a decent prioritization matrix to handle cool distractions?  I do, but it only works about half the time.  🙂

Everything’s Amazing, Nobody’s Happy

Everything is amazing, but no one’s happy.  This came through on my Facebook yesterday.

It’s a guy talking to Conan O’Brien about how amazing things are today, but yet nobody’s happy.

It’s refreshingly funny, because of the obvious insight.

Click here to play.

How Many Posts?

Total posts?

Since March 2009, 1,152.  From five daily blogs, by the way.

Not bad for a guy who simply wants to “leave a trail” for his young (9 years old) son.

And, oh yeah, one other thing.  Not bad for a father that wants to help raise enough money until a cure is found for his son’s incurable disease.

Hopefully, you’ll never tire of hearing about this.  I don’t.  How could I?

World-Class Benchmarking

Benchmarking.  Seeing, not how others do things, but more importantly, seeing how others think.

I am a serious bench-marker.   Way more than the average bear.

There will come a time when my (five) blogs have more sophisticated features.  All good things take time.  Rome wasn’t built overnight.  I didn’t wake up one day and get to represent the United States at the WMA Master’s Track & Field World Championships.  It took a decade.

Anyway, this blog caught my eye because of Trent’s 14 Money Rules.  Click here to go to Trent’s blog.  Scroll down a bit, its on the right side column.

Money, like our mind, body and spirit, need constant attention, otherwise we will not reach our potential.

Awesome Is As Awesome Does

Go Daddy web hosting and their customer service is world class. Period.

How do I know?

Have been a Go Daddy customer for two years now.  Every single time I call Go Daddy support, the experience simply blows me away.


Because they do the routine, yet important things really, really well.  And they do it with world class consistency.

It happened again last night. Thank you Jason (may or may not be real name) for taking care of my Go Daddy Web Analytics set up.  When I came home last night, it was like being a kid in a candy store.  Go Daddy ROCKS.