Freedom isn’t free. Just ask Eric, 35, father of two young daughters and protector of Freedom.
Yesterday, Eric had the window seat and I had the aisle. In between us, a man headed back home to Vietnam.
Eric’s headed back to his second tour in Afghanistan. He’s a police trainer. And for a little while, he was home on leave, in Central Florida with his family.
I mentioned that my Dad served in Japan during the Korean war and my Father-In-Law in Eurpore during WWII.
Then thanked him for what he does. He was more grateful than I thought.
After we went our separate ways, I noticed the gift shop newspaper rack:
Godspeed Eric
The caption: Afghan Police rush to the scene of a car bomb attack on a NATO convoy that killed eight and wounded at least 50. A Taliban official vowed to strike polling stations in Thursday’s Presidential vote.
Today is our son’s school’s open house. I almost started to feel sad that I won’t be there, because I’m in Chicago on business. How pathetic am I?
Thank you Eric. And thank you to all who serve our country, and all countries focused on peaceful living.