World Cup FIFA

It's A Short List
It's A Short List
How Good Is Your Math?
How Good Is Your Math?
What Really Matters?
What Really Matters?

OK, so I’m on vacation, dividing time between the annual writer’s retreat and home.

What does it mean when we say, “I’m on vacation“?

Yes, some might say, “You need to relax more”.

Not gonna disagree.

I might come back with a, “You need to exercise more”.

Or, “You need to think about your financial future more”.

Or even, “You need to be crystal clear with your spiritual self-confidence”.

When’s your funeral?

When the big bad wolf comes knocking on your door?

Hope your “house” is made of brick.

The Truth Hurts


The truth hurts. The truth can also set us free.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever!”

Can’t you just hear people saying this, or thinking it?  I say it too.  We all do sometimes.

In fact, I’ve said this all my life.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

Until a few years ago when things began to change.

One close friend describes me as, “A Transformed man.”

Just yesterday, at (spirit) I posted about the fog, the semi-conscious state many of us seem to go through life with. Some may call it auto-pilot.

As we are into the fourth day of the new year already, wanted to remind everyone that the goal from all this writing is:

  1. To leave a trail for a young child
  2. To help others with their goals
  3. To eventually raise money to find a cure

These things have the ability to help transform anyone. At the moment, it’s working slowly, but powerfully.

jeff noel Hates Vacation

Okay, so I made that up. But you know there are some people who actually hate vacation, because vacation takes them away from their medicine.

Huh?  Yes, their medicine. As a workaholic myself, from a long line of workaholics, being busy and then suddenly not being busy, well, you can almost see the panic rush in.

And honestly, I’m having a moment right now that has me wondering, “How bad is my disease?” Today is the first day of a two-week vacation.

How will I function if I don’t have anything pressing at work?

Just for the record, I do NOT hate vacation, but here is the short list of things jeff noel does hate:

  1. Mosquitoes
  2. Cock Roaches
  3. Termites
  4. Whiners

It All Comes Down to This

With so much to say, where does a person start?  Well, if you’re a runner, it’s easy, you start at the starting line.  But if you’re not a runner and you’re several decades into your life and your job or career, then what?

Then maybe start here, in Lane 8:

There, I said it. Hope this doesn’t scare anyone off. It is what it is.

Bothered Not Bored

The other night I told our son, “I’m bothered, but not bored.”

I’m bothered by the work load I put on myself.  Career, home, church, gym, home, family, retirement.

I’m not bored by any of it though.


Because I love it.  None of it feels like work.  So, being bored is the last thing on my mind.

Except for one small detail, and I must confess, “I’m bored with being bothered!”