An hour and a comfort zone

Top Disney Customer Service speakers

(photo: The Harvard of Customer Service training?)

What is the meaning of life? My high school classmate’s (Lorie Sheffer) son Ian (and daughter-in-law Michelle) is featured as the moderator for a talk by Edward O. Wilson, who is a professor emeritus at Harvard University and the recipient of two Pulitzer Prizes. His many books include, “The Future of Life” and “The Social Conquest of Earth.”

The clip here is worth watching, but only if you have an hour and only if having your convictions seriously challenged is something you enjoy.

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The one question that angers people more than just about any other?

Finland Summer ild flowers
The answer is as simple and complex as a wild flower


The one question that angers people more than just about any other?

When someone sincerely, and expectantly, asks us, “What is the meaning of life?”, we react as if someone has walked into our home and caught us naked.

Instead, what if we were sitting on our front porch, anxiously and excitedly awaiting their arrival, with a clean house and a delicious meal already prepared?

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It All Comes Down to This

With so much to say, where does a person start?  Well, if you’re a runner, it’s easy, you start at the starting line.  But if you’re not a runner and you’re several decades into your life and your job or career, then what?

Then maybe start here, in Lane 8:

There, I said it. Hope this doesn’t scare anyone off. It is what it is.