One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
Author: jeff noel
Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.
Last night I checked Twitter one last time and scrolled through to an early morning Tweet Ben sent, but I hadn’t clicked on.
When I did, I was very pleasantly surprised. So impressed that I had to shoot a quick jeff noel You Tube video. Take a look. And a surprise ending too:
Tweet Mic. Who knew? Just another cool, and free, web 2.0 app to make communicating personally or professionally – easier and more effective.
Did ya hear me? Easier and more effective! Carpe diem, 🙂
Good Tuesday morning everyone. jeff is sort of the clearing house for the other blogs I write.
Ever discover something that you love to do, but it had hidden, dormant, all your life?
It’s like that with writing. I love to write. And when I couple that with my love to challenge people to think, it’s even more powerful.
Some people, when I tell them I write five blogs every day (seriously, every single day), think I’m crazy.
You want to know what else is crazy? I’ve finally reached a point in my life where I no longer worry about “being crazy”.
There have been a lot of great, crazy people, who have made a positive impact on the world. It’s a childhood dream for many to be a superhero. I’d like to build a coalition of like-minded, crazy people to help make the world a little better place before our time is up.
Why? So our children (my son is eight) might then continue what we started, and we can make Mother Earth sing, Alleluia!
Said all that, just so I could show you a quick You Tube glimpse at another side of me, the Disney side. Was in St. Louis a week ago and found myself at Union Station to deliver a Customer Service training workshop.
Please feel free to visit, or any of the other blogs.
If you commit to that, I’ll commit to working on my videography skills.