Bring It On

Today.  This morning.  Right now.  Bring it on.

What does that mean? Who am I talking to?

First and foremost, I’m talking to myself.  Journaling is a world-class way to self-awareness.

Self-awareness is the most important step towards self-improvement.

My (life) pace does not lend itself to either.

Which is why I write five blogs every day.

What was once impossible, is now business as usual.

No, It’s Not!

Everything can’t be important. Period.  It can’t be.

What’s a person to do?  I mean, to sort through it all and come out with a prioritized list?

Here’s what I did:

  • Sorted to four big life choices
  • Prioritized top ten lists for the big four
  • Work desperately hard every day
  • Exercise focus & discipline
  • Remember my purpose in life

While it ain’t perfect, it is light years ahead of my old daily structure. Life is a journey.

“He who is not busy being born, is busy dying.” – Bob Dylan

If you would like to share, either in the comments here or via confidential email at [email protected] You are always welcome to do so.

Everything Is Important

Seems like it.  Doesn’t it?

Was recently viewing a live streaming feed on WordPress.  WordPress hosts WordCamp

Was reminded that social media, and blogging in particular, is a phenomenon.

Being 50 and embracing blogging and social media, while raising a son (9), is an interesting place to be in cyberspace, in a rapidly changing web 2.0 world.

While still trying to figure it out, everything points to communicating with others, and offering something that others want.

What do people want?  Not sure exactly.  Meanwhile though, I’ll continue to be guided by a heart-felt desire to make a difference in our world.

PS.  I realize my path, style, whatever you want to call it, may be good and it may also not be good.  Rather try and fail than not try. Ya with me?


Finally.  I’ve gotten to the fifth of five blogs this morning.  Having some challenges revving up the writing engine.

This rarely happens.  I knew it would come.  Just didn’t know when.  It took longer than expected.  Good thing, I suppose.

Big questions though:

  • “How long will it last”?
  • “When will it return”?

No worries however.  Just gonna plow through it and try not to worry about it.  It’s a natural part of the “writer’s cycle” – sort of like the seasons on Earth.  Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.

Each season has a purpose.  Each one ends and another begins.  It’s natural. It’s okay. Carpe diem everyone.

How Cold Is It?

Freezing Cold
Freezing Cold says the current Anchorage, Alaska temp is  (4AM) 19 degrees, but the official “feels like” temp is 12 degrees.

Hope your day is full of warmth, no matter the outside temperature.  Carpe diem.