Professional Speaker jeff noel

Professional speaker, jeff noel, gives speeches to change the world.

I never give the same speech twice.

I’ve been called audacious, by a former Disney leader.

On a good day, I’m uncommonly insightful.

Just wanted to share this.  Sounds boastful, but it’s true.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

World’s Biggest Search Engine?

What’s the world’s biggest search engine?

Trick question here.

Still think you know?  Google?   Yahoo?  MSN?  Ask?  Bing?

Try this.  Your mind.

Told you it was a trick question.

Now for the next trick.

How much of it, and how often, do you search with it?

Try this.  Go look in the mirror.  Do you have the answers to your big questions?

Be creative.  Be focused.  Be  disciplined.  Be patient.  Or not.  But please don’t complain to me if you don’t use the biggest search engine out there.

Carpe diem.  If not today, when?  jeff noel 🙂

Not since our Honeymoon

Not since our Honeymoon have I felt this way!

You’re not gonna guess this answer.

No way.

Not in a million years.



I am flippin’ exhausted.

Same way I felt the day we drove a Washington State University Professor’s sag wagon.

Tell ya the rest later.

For now, it’s rest time.  Carpe sleep, jeff noel  🙂

More Today Than Yesterday?

More today than yesterday?


I LOVE my Family more today than yesterday.

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

I Love My Family

I Love My Family.

That’s all I can really think of right now, having already written four other posts.

I Love my Family.

My Wife, Son, Mom, Step Mom, In-Laws, Sister, Step Brother, Aunts, Uncle, Cousins, Nieces & their babies, our canine son, and ditto the list on my wife’s side too.

I Love them all.

Some know this more than others.  Such is life.  It’s a big, two-way street.

I’m heading tomorrow to an eight-lane track, in Finland.

The trip is as much about Love as anything I’ve ever done.  Seriously.

Carpe diem, jeff noel, out in Lane 8 🙂