


Can I, just for once, say, “I got nuthin’ to write about”?


You have people depending on you.  You also have people hoping you’ll fall.  Hoping you’ll fail.

Seriously?  You mean there are people like that?  Yes.

Some of them are reading this now.  Some are not.  It’s just the way the world works.

Heaven and hell, right at our finger tips.  Who could ask for anything more?

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂



Running against time.

If someone asked you, “When is your funeral”? , what would you say?

The simplest way to answer, “Why are you so obsessed with life”?, is this:

He Did It Himself

Our son did it by himself.  I mean, I asked him to, but he did it by himself.

“I’d like you to post about your first day of school”.

Told him to bring his laptop downstairs.  Next thing I know, he’s almost done.

He just had a few questions about adding a hyperlink.

It was as if he had thrown three touchdown passes as the starting nine-year old quarterback.

Carpe diem, jeff  noel 🙂

How Many & Why?

How many blog posts have you done and why do you do five each day?

First answer is easy – 861.  This post will make it 862.

Second answer.  Also easy, but perhaps challenging to understand.

Because I:

  • Am committed to excellence
  • Want to make a positive difference
  • Think it’s “impossible”
  • Am learning so much
  • Am helping more by doing this, than by not doing this

That’s a short, top of mind list.

It keeps me going.  Anyone want to share what keeps you going?

Probably not, right?  Too busy. Too distracted.  Too scared.

Yeah, same with me.  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Blogussion Website Recommendation

Blogussion Website Recommendation.

Click here to be exposed to a great resource for becoming a world class blogger and entrepreneur.

The Blogussion website is a feast for the hungry blogger.  Especially helpful is the right side column of most helpful posts.

I am just starting to uncover, or maybe discover, the tip of the blogging and social media iceberg.

Please forgive me for saying this.  It amazes me how many people in my age-group who are digital neanderthals.

It’s meant to be a nudge-ment, not a judge-ment.  Carpe diem, jeff 🙂