The Truth Scares the Hell Out Of People

That’s why we stick our proverbial heads in the sand.

How do I know?

I’m one of you.  Together, we are way more the same than we are different.  Way more.

The hard stuff is the hard stuff.  There’s a Leadership guru that professes the soft stuff is the hard stuff. And I agree 100%, in the context of leading others.

The context here is leading ourselves.  Because we’re the boss of ourselves, we can do what we darn well please.  No one can push us around when it comes to our destiny.

We fulfill it ourselves.

Or not.

The later is the part that ought to scare the hell out of us.  It certainly has for me.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Live Like You Were Dying

Live Like You Were Dying.

This phrase means many things to many people.  Tim McGraw even sings a song about it.

Today, unconventionally, I dedicate this song to me.  Why?  Because I’ve never dedicated a song to myself.  Call it a bucket list.  Call it whatever you want.  It really doesn’t matter what it’s called:

Now here’s something that does matter and it is my sincerest wish for you and for everyone you love.

Live Like You Were Dying!

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂




Can I, just for once, say, “I got nuthin’ to write about”?


You have people depending on you.  You also have people hoping you’ll fall.  Hoping you’ll fail.

Seriously?  You mean there are people like that?  Yes.

Some of them are reading this now.  Some are not.  It’s just the way the world works.

Heaven and hell, right at our finger tips.  Who could ask for anything more?

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂



Running against time.

If someone asked you, “When is your funeral”? , what would you say?

The simplest way to answer, “Why are you so obsessed with life”?, is this:

He Did It Himself

Our son did it by himself.  I mean, I asked him to, but he did it by himself.

“I’d like you to post about your first day of school”.

Told him to bring his laptop downstairs.  Next thing I know, he’s almost done.

He just had a few questions about adding a hyperlink.

It was as if he had thrown three touchdown passes as the starting nine-year old quarterback.

Carpe diem, jeff  noel 🙂