More Today Than Yesterday?

More today than yesterday?


I LOVE my Family more today than yesterday.

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

I Love My Family

I Love My Family.

That’s all I can really think of right now, having already written four other posts.

I Love my Family.

My Wife, Son, Mom, Step Mom, In-Laws, Sister, Step Brother, Aunts, Uncle, Cousins, Nieces & their babies, our canine son, and ditto the list on my wife’s side too.

I Love them all.

Some know this more than others.  Such is life.  It’s a big, two-way street.

I’m heading tomorrow to an eight-lane track, in Finland.

The trip is as much about Love as anything I’ve ever done.  Seriously.

Carpe diem, jeff noel, out in Lane 8 🙂

Thank You

Thank You.

There are several people who have encouraged me and some who’ve provided valuable feedback.

And a few of them have done both.

I am deeply grateful.

And, to the people who visit, and especially those who do and still come back, THANK YOU.

It’s a very humbling experience to feel the presence of a servant attitude.

To serve and not be served.

While it is the intent of all five blogs to serve, it’s scary to wonder how the blogs are perceived.

Meanwhile, I’ll keep moving forward.

Launch.  Learn.  Revise.

Then repeat.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Quick Clarification on Chicken Excrement

Just to be clear, Without Limits is my third, all-time favorite movie, any genre.

My all-time favorite scene, from any movie, is with Steve Prefontaine and Bill Bowerman (Prefontaine’s coach).

They are having a heated discussion about Prefontaine’s need to take the lead.  Front-running is what Bowerman calls it.

Bowerman tells Pre he could run faster times if he’d let someone else take the lead.

Pre says, “I don’t want to win that way”.

Bowerman, “What’s the point of racing”?

Pre, “To win”.

Bowerman, “So you don’t want to win”?

Pre finally says, and I quote, “I don’t won’t to win unless I know I’ve done my absolute best.  And the only way I know how to do that is to run flat out until I have nothing left.  Winning any other way is Chickenshit”.

What a Chicken$#it

What a chciken$#it.

My friend couldn’t wait a few more seconds to finish watching an inspiring, one-minute You Tube video.

It was 62 seconds long.  Come on.  Seriously?

It didn’t reach him emotionally, I guess.  Didn’t engage him, perhaps. Maybe I’m a sap for thinking these things are inspirational.

I asked, “Did you see the guy with no legs running at the very end”?

Maybe the focus on athletics was a turnoff.  Maybe not.  It’s a complete mystery to me.

But you know what?  I really admire this person and think I can learn as much from him as he can from me.

The man with no legs, he runs the same race as me – 400 meters – he almost made the South African Olympic team.

The Olympic Team!!!!

Are you kiddin’ me.

How is that possible?

Anything is possible.  But you have to believe it.  I believe he’ll watch it this time.

But then again, I’ve been wrong before.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂