What A Young Man Should Know

Lifelong Love of Learning
Lifelong Love of Learning

“What should a young male of 21 know, and what should he be able to do?

There are no conclusive answers to those questions, but they are certainly worth asking.

A young man should know how this country is run and how it got that way.

He should know the Federalist Papers and de Tocqueville, and he should know recent world history. If he does not know what has been tried in the past, he cannot very well avoid those pitfalls as they come up in the future.

A young man should be computer literate and, moreover, should know Hemingway from James Joyce. He should know how to drive a car well–such as is not covered in Driver’s Ed.

He should know how to fly a light airplane. He should know how to shoot well. He should know elementary geography, both worldwide and local. He should have a cursory knowledge of both zoology and botany. He should know the fundamentals of agriculture and corporate economy.

He should be well qualified in armed combat, boxing, wrestling and judo, or its equivalent.

He should know how to manage a motorcycle.

He should be comfortable in at least one foreign language, more if appropriate to his background. He should be familiar with remedial medicine.

These things should be accomplished before a son leaves his father’s household.”   — Col. Jeff Cooper

First Match

Last weekend I began to teach our son:

  1. How to strike a match
  2. How to light a fire
  3. How to be respectful of fire
  4. Which side of the fire to approach

We have a campfire pit in our yard and this is the time of year for using it.  We burned enough yard and tree trimmings to make an excellent cooking fire.

He was hesitant to strike the match.  Perhaps even afraid. He’s nine.

As a Father, it seems intuitive to be the one to teach him certain things that will be taught by others, if I don’t beat them to it.

Striking a match is just the beginning.  Ya with me?

Happy Saturday To Everyone

Do you have weekends off?  I do not.  Never have.  Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I do have Saturday and Sunday off together. However, it’s nothing I can count on.  And I’m okay with that.


Because I work in Central Florida, and many people here have a job that revolves around the world-class Orlando Destinations – Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, Florida beaches.

In fact, our home is next door to Disney.  Our Church is next door to Universal Studios.  Sea World is not far either. Our Cub Scout Pack is currently camping at Fort Desoto Beach on Florida’s west coast.

Interesting to note though, my wife Cheryl has had weekends off her entire life.  We, like many Families, just have to figure it out.  And when we do get to have a Saturday off together, we try to balance all the stuff we need to do, with all the stuff we want to do.

The fact that it’s going to be sunny and 82 degrees today should make it easier to decide.  Carpe diem.

What a GREAT Day!

Today was an awesome day.

  • Relatively pain-free run.   See Lane 8 for details on the story.
  • Great Homily at Church
  • Great connections with special people at Church
  • Swimming, Lunch & Nap with my son this afternoon
  • Cub Scout Awards Banquet & our son received his Wolf Cub Badge
  • My wife totally added a woman’s touch to the Banquet decorations/logistics
  • My son & I spoke with my Mom about the awards he received

Not all days have so many obvious blessings that can be recounted.  However, today was that kind of day.

They don’t come as often as any of us would like.

And yet, I’ll take them whenever they come, even if they’re few and far between.  Signing off at 9PM.  Carpe PM, jeff noel  🙂

Orlando Science Center

Orlando Science Center has programs for the community to spend the night.

Our Church’s Cub Scout Pack is going, which means my son, a Wolf Cub, and I are going.

It should be a good sleepover.  

I hope I don’t snore too loud.

Have a great Saturday night, whatever your plans are.  Carpe PM, jeff noel  🙂