Book Publishing Checklist Link

Roger Parker, from Published and Profitable, has been a cyber-mentor for several years now.  He doesn’t even know this.

Not because I’m trying to hide the fact.  Simply because I’m busy. Roger’s busy.  Busy makes us do strange things.  Like forget to tell people how much we appreciate what they’ve done for us.

But that’s what makes the Internet so cool.  You can have a positive influence on others, whether you meet them or not.

Click here to see, read and or print his PDF file.  It’s a great place to start to give you an idea of what you should consider if you ever want to publish your first book.

Tomorrow though, be prepared for the shock of your life.

And while it really applies to anything that’s important to you, tomorrow’s post will be particularly revealing if you have very important things you want to do in your life, but have been putting off.  Carpe diem.

Got Book?

“Don’t die with a book still in you.” jeff noel

“Outside a dog, a book is man’s best friend.  Inside a dog, it’s too dark to read.”Groucho Marx

How many people want to write a book?

How many believe they can write a book?

How many actually do?

Two days ago, I said to my wife, “You know, depending on your definition of a book, I’ve already written five.”

And you know what Cheryl said?  And by the way, this is one of the million things that I love about Cheryl, because she’s so smart, she said, “I know.”

Tomorrow, I’ll share a free link to Roger Parker’s checklist for getting a book published.  That is, unless you have no story to tell. But I sincerely doubt that.

Everyone has a story to tell.

Don’t die with a book in you.

Got Tree?

Yes, got tree!  And a fire in the fireplace.

Yesterday.  It was cold (65 degrees).  This is cold for Central Floridians. Seriously.  And yes, Central Floridians realize that this fact is fairly obnoxious to those of you living in colder regions.

By the way, most Floridians originally are from somewhere cold.

So we know what cold really is, but we now like the way it rolls off our tongue, “Oh, it was cold yesterday.  It only got up to 65 degrees!  I had to put on socks and a jacket.”

Stay warm, and make your Monday great.  It’s up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Carpe diem!

It All Comes Down to This

With so much to say, where does a person start?  Well, if you’re a runner, it’s easy, you start at the starting line.  But if you’re not a runner and you’re several decades into your life and your job or career, then what?

Then maybe start here, in Lane 8:

There, I said it. Hope this doesn’t scare anyone off. It is what it is.

Bothered Not Bored

The other night I told our son, “I’m bothered, but not bored.”

I’m bothered by the work load I put on myself.  Career, home, church, gym, home, family, retirement.

I’m not bored by any of it though.


Because I love it.  None of it feels like work.  So, being bored is the last thing on my mind.

Except for one small detail, and I must confess, “I’m bored with being bothered!”