At the end of the day, we Boomers ought to have great attitudes, be in good physical condition, have an indomitable spirit, be at the peak of our careers, and be effectively organized.
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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
At the end of the day, we Boomers ought to have great attitudes, be in good physical condition, have an indomitable spirit, be at the peak of our careers, and be effectively organized.
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Being busy is really just a part of life. People have always been busy. Yet, we live like ours is the first generation to face such challenges.
Listen carefully when older people talk. Pay attention to history. You’ll discover times have always been tough, and always very busy.
When we accept this as never going away, we can begin to live. But not until then. Once we accept it, we can work real hard to figure out how to survive well, and to live well. It doesn’t require much.
Life. We love being alive.
We dread dying.
In between, we have to carve out our life. A life that hopefully allows us to not only survive, but also to thrive somewhat.
To have mostly good days, a fair number of “bad” days, and occasionally a few great days.
Bad, good, great. We will each define these differently, no doubt. That’s okay. It’s all relative anyway.
So what’s the point?
The point is, what will today be?
Being inspired inspires others.
Most humans like quotes. We enjoy the way a small sentence or quick thought can summarize the essence of a larger body of work.
Some people are addicted to quotes, like me.
And some people find themselves quotable. This is usually by design, and it is also the mark of someone who’s been burned by Hell’s fire and came out purified, or at the very least, changed.
And in our busy, hectic, worried lives, small, digestible sound bites really satisfy our hunger for a laugh, for inspiration, for validation, for comfort – and on and on.
Quotes are good.
You can quote me on that.