The Past Few jeff noel Blog Posts Showcased What A Post Looks Like Without Using Keywords Purposefully

Details with purpose: Icons, used repetitiously, help shape a culture.

Midlife Celebration’s jeff noel purposefully used “I” in place of jeff noel. Using “I” looks less arrogant but completely fails in SEO keyword optimization.

Using Mid Life Celebration and jeff noel optimizes keyword utilization, but readers can tire from it. Seth Godin no longer needs to write his posts like noel is doing. Someday, noel won’t need to either. Bold? Uh huh. Why not? Go.

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I Went One Step Further With Yesterday’s Lesson, Because That’s What Walt Disney Has Ingrained In Me

Quality & attention to small, almost unnoticeable details is Walt Disney's signature

When we were done with his lesson, the learning could have stopped. But Walt Disney taught me to always try to give a little more than anyone expects. So in a brief story (Walt Disney’s teaching tool of choice) I explained to our son I wished I had been taught earlier in life how to use my own words – to not doubt that my explanation would be as good as anyone else’s.

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Bob Asked, Are You Still Writing Five Blogs Everyday?

jeff noel Midlife runner
jeff noel Midlife runner
jeff noel Midlife runner

My friend asked, “Are you still writing five blogs everyday?” We hadn’t seen each other in nearly a year. Others will ask, “Are you still running?”

No one ever asks me, “Are you still praying everyday?” It seems unnatural to have any answer other than yes.

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Boomers, You Are The CEO Of You, Inc

Consider yourself blessed if you intimately know how a legendary company makes it work

Whether you think running is hard, or that writing is hard, the bottom line for all Baby Boomers is this very simple, and tough, fact: You are the CEO of You, Inc.

The message jeff noel takes away from this is run your life like a successful business. Vision, focus, discipline, creativity, innovation, risk-taking, courage, quality, team work, integrity….

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