Be willing to accept frustration and obstacles if…

Amway Center basketball court closeup photo
Love dark blue, and being on the court at the Amway Center


The challenge with getting and staying organized is how often the pressure is high. Unrelenting it seems is the norm.

Stumbled upon another to-do item last night. Amazon Author page.

This led to another issue. Book pricing.

What was requested and what has actually happened is way off.

Insight: Be willing to accept frustration and obstacles if you are going to do most things radically different from societal (or industry) norms.

Next Blog 


This May Sound Conceited

You're Either Making Progress, Or Your Not
You're Either Making Progress, Or You're Not

This may sound conceited, but I love the fact that I’m still writing five daily, differently themed blogs everyday. Sounds conceited to say, “The Internet’s Only Five-a-Day Blogger”.

All the critics say it won’t work, it will dilute your efforts, it will be too confusing for the readers, it will be too much work, you say the same thing over and over.

But remember, I don’t write to please the critics.

Are you willing to go against what people say is logical, in order to pursue a different way, a better way?

Are you willing to break the mold?

Or are you willing to take your regret to your grave?

Next Blog


I'm Guessing North
I'm Guessing North

Are you easily squirrel distracted?

I am.

Have a great Saturday everyone.

Do great work.

Lead a balanced life.

It happens one day at a time.

Tomorrow’s post will be from squirrel somewhere different.  🙂

Five A Day – Part Three

“Why did you create five blogs in the first place, knowing that you’d never be writing in all five everyday anyway?”

Two logical reasons:

  1. My model for balance had four parts, not two
  2. I’d link each of them to all the others, for SEO

Mid Life Celebration is about balancing life’s big choices, and there are four:

  1. Mind
  2. Body
  3. Spirit
  4. Money

This fifth blog,, was created because I thought there should be an “office” or “headquarters”, so to speak – one that didn’t have a theme and wasn’t part of the model.

And when the previous didn’t renew after having that domain, for seven years, it was a natural choice to pick my given name as a dot com.

That’s it.  That’s how it happened.  And now, I can’t stop myself.

In a sea of blogs that drone on about whatever, I’m carving out a space among the few who have five-a-day, droning on about whatever.