Looking back to April 2009, i was such a novice.
As a writer, blogger, communicator.
Even as a professional speaker.
Funny thing is, i thought i was pretty decent at all three.
PS. Now i consider myself a work in progress – as we all are.
Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.
Looking back to April 2009, i was such a novice.
As a writer, blogger, communicator.
Even as a professional speaker.
Funny thing is, i thought i was pretty decent at all three.
PS. Now i consider myself a work in progress – as we all are.
No photographs in 2009.
Not sure.
Possibly because i didn’t know how to add them.
i can’t recall.
Just keep typing, just keep typing…
i think i can…
i think i can, i think i can…
i think i can finish this creative blog calendar logistical challenge.
PS. Glad i don’t have to add photos.
And on the third day, i continue to write posts to correct the Word Press calendar monthly auto-fill totals.
Did not anticipate it taking so long.
Really had momentum three days ago, but it has been a bigger effort, creatively, than i thought.
So here i am on a Sunday, November 26, 2017…plugging away.
just switched from a Ray Coniff Christmas album to Led Zeppelin’s Houses Of The Holy – of course, thank you Apple Music.
Rock on and write like you mean it.