Feels Great To Be Back In The Saddle Again, Writing Five Daily, Differently-Themed Blogs (Action)

Back in the saddle?

Today begins the 28th consecutive month of writing 5 daily, differently themed blogs before heading out the door each morning, no matter where in the world I am.

Twice before tried loading 150 posts before the month started, failing each time. Third time’s a charm. June’s posts were prewritten, which allowed Mid Life Celebration’s first book to finish. The habit of daily writing each morning is unstoppable.

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How Organized Do We Need To Be To Leave A Legacy?

Two weeks ago in Nova Scotia, our son’s initials on a Canadian license plate.

Cheryl picked Chapin’s first name. I picked his middle name. Shortly after this trip, while walking down a country road for ice cream, I told him the story of his middle name.

If something bad ever happened to me, eventually he would ask, “Why is my middle name Shepard?”

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Jeff Noll Top 8 List

Jeff Noll Top 10 list:

  1. I write 5 daily blogs, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
  2. Each blog takes less than 20 seconds to read
  3. Every post has a quick link to the next daily blog post
  4. All photos come from my pocket Sony camera
  5. Not trying to sell you something
  6. I have a real job, separate from these blogs
  7. I’ve given speeches to a half-million people+-
  8. I know what a Puffle is

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Midlife Celebration Lists

LinkedIn profile is a moving target…

Lists are good, no matter where you are in your life journey, your ‘Life Celebration’. What is it about lists that attract us to them?

Mid Life Celebration’s five blogs contain quite a few lists in their 3,700 blog posts.

You know, jeff noel feels a list coming on for tomorrow…

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What Does jeff noel Get?

Yesterday’s question? Remember? What jeff noel gets is in fact what you get, if you do those things. Simply and profoundly this – momentum.

Imagining your greatest successes, didn’t they all need, and eventually have, momentum?

So, the opposite of doing those things, is not doing. Which yields, of course, no momentum. Put up or shut up. Still in?

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