jeff noel Burning The Candle?

jeff noel Burning The Candle?

A friend recently asked, “So how has writing five daily blogs affected you. What have you given up”?

I’ve given up:

  • Watching TV
  • Walking our Dog
  • Yard word, particularly our perennial gardens
  • Reading the (online) Orlando Sentinel, CNN, etc
  • Spending time with Family
  • Cut back on exercise (believe it or not)
  • Cut back on sleep (yawn)
  • And a few other things

It struck me later that night, while reflecting on his question and the answers.  Cutting back on work, or anything remotely related to cutting back on work, wasn’t mentioned.

I am addicted to work.  Many people are and simply don’t know it because they associate with others who are the same.

Nevertheless, I’m driven to create something bigger than myself, to help raise money until a cure is found for Crohns disease.  What are you sacrificing?  What are you sacrificing it for?

jeff noel and Search Engines

jeff noel and Search Engines.  SEO. Search engine optimization.  Google. Yahoo, Bing. Safari. Firefox. Internet Explorer. Mozilla.  There are a ton of search engines out there.

Mostly, I use Google.  Why?  Google is the most recognized, and Google dominates search engine traffic.

Meeting with a fellow writer yesterday, he was using Yahoo. He told me that jungle jeff and Lane 8 we’re number one on the Yahoo search engine.  I didn’t believe him until he did the jungle jeff and lane 8 Yahoo searches.

Amazing.  Even more amazing, or maybe more interesting, was that on Yahoo, ranked higher than  Not sure how that is possible.  And at this point in the journey, there are bigger challenges to worry about.

Do you have a decent prioritization matrix to handle cool distractions?  I do, but it only works about half the time.  🙂

What Makes Fridays GREAT?

Same thing that makes Thursdays GREAT!  EVERYTHING!!!

Happy Friday.  There are many people who can’t wait for Friday.  Why? Because they can escape from work.  As if work were some sort of prison.

Yikes.  I’ve been there too.  I mean, seriously, at 50, I’ve been around the block a time or two.

Here’s a simple wish for all of us.  While we may be tempted to complain (an endless list perhaps), let us rise above that and not.

Would you rather be dead?  Because that would put an end to all the complaining now wouldn’t it?  Then would people be happy?  I say be obsessively THANKFUL that you are alive and have what you have.  it could be worse, and for many people in other parts of our World, it is.

Everything’s Amazing, Nobody’s Happy

Everything is amazing, but no one’s happy.  This came through on my Facebook yesterday.

It’s a guy talking to Conan O’Brien about how amazing things are today, but yet nobody’s happy.

It’s refreshingly funny, because of the obvious insight.

Click here to play.

jeff noel Google Front Page

jeff noel @ Top Of Google Search.  Well, yesterday anyway.  Who knows what today will bring.  Usually, jeff is in Google’s top four on Google’s front page.

Not bad for someone doing this as recently as I have.  What’s the secret?

Making common sense, common practice.   You’ll hear this over and over again.  Why?  Because, very simply, it’s what I believe.  Period.

Common sense earned it’s nickname long ago.  Why?  Because, well, because, if I have to explain it, it’s not going to make any (common) sense.