
Bring On 2010
Bring On 2010


Some will say, “Finally, 2009 is over.”

Some will say, “Finally, 2010 is here.”

Some may say both.

Where would you put yourself?

It seems, time and time again, it all comes down to attitude.

Indecision May Or May Not Be

The Ledge - 103 Floors Up
The Ledge - 103 Floors Up

“Indecision may or may not be my problem.”Jimmy Buffett

Ain’t it da truth?  This is one of the many reasons I’ve been challenged to do a better job at living out my dreams.

Please don’t get me wrong, most people have a pretty good batting average – we do many of the things we say we’re going to do.

We also, because we’re human, don’t do a lot of the things we say we’re going to do.

The antidote?

Find your higher purpose.

And, be prepared to work harder than you ever have in your life.

December 21 2009

An Olympian at age 50?
An Olympian at age 50?

December 21, 2009.  Can you believe it? Ten days until 2010 begins. A few questions we may consider asking ourselves.

Where did the time go?

Am I happy with what happened this past year?

Did I do what I said i was going to?

Did I do something every day that scared me?

Did I pray every day for my Family, Friends, and especially to all those people less fortunate?

Did I act in accordance with my loftiest thoughts?

Did I help make the world a little better place to live?

Did I strive for balance in life’s big four – Mind, Body, Spirit, Money?

Do I have a plan for 2010?