Writer’s Retreat. It’s the perfect get-a-way from the daily grind – not that I’m complaining. Please, life is hard and most people, I think, know this.
In fact, I’m actually grateful for the grind. But that’s another story.
Back to this short story.
I’m on a week-long writer’s retreat. Of all places, Sanibel Island.
Of the many things I’ve learned as a writer, one critical success factor is the occasional trip away from your normal, daily surroundings. Sanibel Island is the polar opposite of my normal life.
I have learned a ton and written a ton.
The retreat leader told everyone yesterday that you should write in a style outside your comfort zone.
Of course, I asked, “Why”?
He replied, “You’re a runner right. A sprinter, if I remember correctly”.
Yes, that’s right”, I said.
He made an excellent point, “Well, as a sprinter, do you run distances much longer than a sprint”?
I got his point.
You have to “stretch yourself outside your comfort zone” and vary your training to be a great sprinter.
Same for writing. It’s one of the big take-aways for me, and we are only on the third day.
Make it a great day. I have to get back to the session. More later.
Carpe diem, jeff noel