Cool App

Recently discovered how to easily schedule blog posts for future dates.

This week has been dedicated to experimenting with the newly found app.  It’s embarrassingly easy.  Should have figured this out long ago, but instead, only this past weekend.

On one blog, I’ve scheduled the next ten daily blog posts.  Others (5 total) a few days ahead, and a couple just a day in advance.

I still write five every morning; however, I’m writing a few “buffer blog posts”, for those days and weeks when the unexpected happens.

Dream big and do something great.  Even if it’s a “small” great, like making a sad or lonely person smile.

Everything Is Important

Seems like it.  Doesn’t it?

Was recently viewing a live streaming feed on WordPress.  WordPress hosts WordCamp

Was reminded that social media, and blogging in particular, is a phenomenon.

Being 50 and embracing blogging and social media, while raising a son (9), is an interesting place to be in cyberspace, in a rapidly changing web 2.0 world.

While still trying to figure it out, everything points to communicating with others, and offering something that others want.

What do people want?  Not sure exactly.  Meanwhile though, I’ll continue to be guided by a heart-felt desire to make a difference in our world.

PS.  I realize my path, style, whatever you want to call it, may be good and it may also not be good.  Rather try and fail than not try. Ya with me?

jeff noel Google Front Page

jeff noel @ Top Of Google Search.  Well, yesterday anyway.  Who knows what today will bring.  Usually, jeff is in Google’s top four on Google’s front page.

Not bad for someone doing this as recently as I have.  What’s the secret?

Making common sense, common practice.   You’ll hear this over and over again.  Why?  Because, very simply, it’s what I believe.  Period.

Common sense earned it’s nickname long ago.  Why?  Because, well, because, if I have to explain it, it’s not going to make any (common) sense.