At some point, working for Walt Disney World became compelling

Orlando based leadership speaker jeff noel's logo


January 25, 1982 and September 27, 1984 are both listed as ‘hire dates’.

The second date is used to track ‘full-time longevity’.

In six weeks, the service pin changes to 30.

As our biological clocks tick by, we have the prerogative to relish the moments. To bask in the sum of our career contribution.

Or not.

It’s a choice.

Only one person focuses on it.

The CEO.

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In case you’re measuring how many times your customers get frustrated

Astonishing high number of unread emails
Was email the demise of USPS monopoly? Random photo of someone’s unread emails. Wow.


The post office clerk held the credit card and government issued photo id (driver’s license) of the person shipping a box of books.

The name on the photo id and the name on the credit card matched perfectly, even matched the face of the guy standing there.

Years ago his car was broken into, wallet taken, and deputy conducting the report advised to write ‘See Photo” in place of a signature.

The post office will not accept this.

Even though the photo, face, and names match.

In case you’re measuring how many times your customers get frustrated, please count this one, he said.

First world problems.

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Having an accidents-will-happen karma is part of being decently organized

Apple Store happy 30th birthday Mac display
The consistency with which Apple exceeds my expectations is stunning


Elementary school accident damaged MacBook. Genius Bar says it can be fixed, but it will be expensive. Like over $400 expensive.

Being decently organized means having decent backup funds for the unexpected stuff we know will happen, just not when.

Prepared to pay whatever it took, the Apple Genius offered a price guarantee $150 less than he felt it will take.

Maybe being organized in our ‘accidents will happen’ karma is part of being decently organized.

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Hope Is Not A Game Plan

Hard work is a great game plan.

Hope is not a game plan.

Hope is indispensable, please don’t misunderstand the intent here.

But hope alone, is not a game plan, hard work is:

  • Vision
  • Passion
  • Selflessness
  • Love
  • Service
  • Tenacity
  • Indomitable Will

Rather try hard and fail, than to simply hope and never try hard enough.

Resist the temptation to lean on self-pity.  Click here if all you want right now is hope. You must have hope.  It’s not a game plan, but it is the start.