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So easy, even a nine-year old can do it.

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This is today’s second post. Scroll down for the first.

You’re Probably Afraid Where You Stand

Who Standing There?
Who Standing There?

How’s that for a jeff noel five daily blogs blog post title?

“You’re Probably Afraid Where You Stand”

Would this be good on a business card?

As a slogan?

As a conversation starter?

As a kick in the ask pants?

Your pants.

Jump Start or Kick?
Jump Start or Kick?

Strength Is Your Responsibility

100 Years Old
100 Years Old

“Strength is something you forge from within.”Eugenia ‘Jean’ Finnegan Biden

Watching (not really, more like listening) ABC Evening News a few weeks ago, Vice President Joe Biden spoke of fond memories and important lessons he learned from his mother.

She had died the day before.

Of all the things Vice President Joe Biden said, it’s his mother’s advice at the top here, that resonated the most.


Personal responsibility is really the key to success.  I’ve known this all my life and you have too.

Having a ten year plan has really helped me see what’s still possible, but not guaranteed.

Not six months.  Ten years.

PS. This is the first dupe post.  By accident. Seems it posted January 9 at Lane 8, but for some reason it also sat in   It is a major rule to not recycle content here.  I’m gonna let this one ride though.

Why?  Because one dupe post ain’t gonna end the world.  Besides, the endings are different, unbeknownst to me.