How far can we go when we go one day at a time?

Walt Disney Resort stationary
Was a time I never worked here, then for one day, now almost 30 years.


How far can we go when we go one day at a time?

Patience is empowering.

We might go our entire lifetime and never understand this insight.

Once there was a time when I had never written a single Mid Life Celebration blog post.

Then there was a time when there was only one post to my name.


Over 8,500 Mid Life Celebration blog posts.

Thank you for being here.


And if I died today, 500 more posts (five-a-day for the next 100 days will post without me) would post and there will be 9k total.

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What sets you free to be alive and run and enjoy each day?

Disney's Yacht Club Resort and Dolphin Resort
Blogging every single day, from wherever, no excuses


Each day we wake up and get to it. So much to do (for most of us). Pressure. Expectations. Deadlines. Email. Voice mail.

Work, home, Family, health, meals, cleaning, errands, pets, chores, upkeep, relaxing, improving, resting… tip of our iceberg, right?

What sets you free to be alive and run and enjoy each day?

For me, it’s not worrying whether every post will be a masterpiece. A metaphor for life, no?

Do the best you can with what you have to work with, rather than succumb to waiting – for the perfect moment, timing, inspiration, etc.

Time waits for no one.

We know this.


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He said he loves to write, and was asked this telling question

The "enter" key is the most popular for this writer - publish? hit enter
The “enter” key is the most popular for this writer – publish? hit enter


He said he loves to write, and was asked this telling question from a “fellow writer”:

How often do you get to write?

Hardly ever.

The “fellow writer” just smiled and went about his business.

And felt thankful that for the past 1,500+ consecutive days he’s been able to write, except for that one day.

A freak of nature?


Life is not a dress rehearsal.

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