Find a million ways to make the daily grind fun and exciting

Apple Watch Mickey Mouse face screen shot
Apple Watch screen shot. Date in upper right corner (May 30) was yesterday.


Still getting used to the Apple watch i received four days ago. Driving home from the track meet, Cheryl called and i answered from the Apple Watch.

It was a moment.

A random, seemingly insignificant moment.

Like the baby steps i began taking in 1999 after a health scare from a cholesterol report. The motivation to get healthy or risk heart (attack) complications.

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Sales is a stereotypically slimy business

Daniel Pink speaking at Authority 2015
Daniel Pink, best selling author, was the opening conference speaker.


Daniel Pink presentation
Change can be good. It can also be bad.


Daniel Pink presentation
The response is brutal.


List of negative sales stereotype words
This is the world of sales from the buyer’s perspective.


Are my thoughts organized enough?

Are my key points clear, concise and compelling?

In two hours we finish our call from yesterday.

My fees are above average. Some would say they’re high.

My value proposition, priceless.

Does the entire conversation coming out of my mouth on the other end of the phone (to the buyer) sound like a value proposition or an expense?

This is yet another example of how organization is way more than managing the stuff in our closet, drawers, and file folders.

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Being prepared is not a theory

Apple iCloud storage purchase plans
Be prepared…purchased the most storage possible.


For $240 dollars annually, 1TB of iCloud storage.

Accessible on any device, anywhere.

Trust, freedom, peace of mind.

And, a deductible business expense.

Becoming decently organized reaps rewards bigger than we could have imagined.

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First day of Spring and the pool is open for business

iAqualink pool app


Yesterday, the first day of Spring 2015, the pool temp reached 87.

While not comfortable enough to relax in, it was warm enough to wade in and appreciate that we are only weeks away from “Summer”, Florida-style.

So much work behind the scenes to make it look effortless.

And so it goes. Day after day.

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