Over Two Years Ago

Last night I was transferring photos to several external hard drives, when I found this, from April 2007. Well over two years ago, I had started to write the first page.  Had completely forgotten about this attempt.  Here it is for posterity:


How many books and articles have been written, over time, about what’s really important in life?  In business?  In leadership?  In raising children?  In becoming successful?  In learning to prioritize your life?  In achieving financial freedom? In becoming the best you can be?  The answer, we all know.  It’s thousands and thousands.  This begs a profound question.  What are they all trying to say?  Really?

Two of the most magnificent days in your life are the day you were born, and, the day you figure out why!

Have you figured it out yet?  If you’re like me, and the rest of your human brothers and sisters,  the obvious answer is no!  Most of us, simply because we’re human, will go to our graves not knowing.  How tragic is that?  It’s criminal, eh?

How then, is it possible to travel for decades on this glorious planet, and never figure this out?  This too is a no-brainer. It’s because, “EVERYTHING’S IMPORTANT”!

What do you mean, Jeff?  Think about it.  We have all had bosses, or maybe we were the boss, and, it’s one fire-drill after another.  Everything’s important, right. It gets so confusing that we finally just cave in and  say, “OK, everything’s important”.  It’s that seemingly insignificant moment that you doom yourself to a life of mediocrity.  Really!

It’s like the story of the frog in a pan of room temperature water, sitting on the stove.  A group of teenagers slowly turn up the heat to see what the frog will do. We all know how this plays out.  The frog never notices the slowly changing water temperature and dies as the water finally reaches the boiling point.

How is this possible?  It’s possible because you and I are weak.  We are conditioned to accept mediocrity.  We are shown images of greatness in the media.  Constantly.  No one ever talks about the serious, but do-able, effort required to be excellent.  And so it goes.  We give up, It’s perfectly acceptable to give up.  Everyone does it.  Why should you be any different?  Because!

Because if you don’t try harder, you will never know the difference between joy , liberation and inner peace, compared to the alternative – a life sentence in your unfulfilled journey.  Is this your legacy?  The legacy  you want your children to see and model?  Go to jail, go directly to jail.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect $200 dollars.

Right now you should be feeling some pain.  Emotional, psychological pain.  This is a very good sign this  book is for you.

It has taking years, no, decades, to discern the truth.  You’ve probably heard it said:  “Wisdom comes from experience, and experience comes from making mistakes”.  The truth is here at your fingertips.  In these pages.  You can do what you want at this point.  The choice is yours (there’s a BFO)!

I know of no other person who’s invested more time and emotional labor to simply life’s truths.  They say, “to teach is to learn twice”.  Your journey is like mine.  We are born.  We grow and learn.  Somewhere on your  path, is your answer to your question, “why am I here”?

Are you ready?


Yes, pause and think.

This will make you feel uncomfortable, no doubt.  You should get used to this feeling, so that, in time, you will welcome your pain that comes when you  slow down and looking inside yourself.  You will discover, there is no other way.

If you think about why you are reading this book, then your answer to continue or not  will be automatic.  Yes!

Please turn the page when you are ready.

What A Week

East coast to west coast took 18 hours. West coast to east coast took 12 hours.

“You are so lucky. You get to travel for your job”, people often say.  Yes.  I LOVE my job.

To quote folk singer Dan Fogelberg from his 1981 hit, Auld Lang Syne, “The audience was heavenly, but the traveling was hell”.

Life Is Good

Ever seen or heard the phrase, “Life is good”?

Twice this week, I walked past the airport store by the same name, Life Is Good.

Life is good.  Not easy.  Not by a long shot.  But, it is good.

In fact, it’s not easy to write five blogs every single day, but I do. Have you been to Lane 8 yet?

Make your day great. It’s up to you. Expect things to go “wrong”, and roll with it. As long as you’re still alive, it can’t be a complete failure.

Not Enough Time In The Day

It’s an old cliche, “There’s not enough time in the day”.


Why?  Not sure.  It’s one of life’s big mysteries.

There are people, wise people indeed, who have figured out how to live without many things that you and I think are essential to happiness.

How did they do it?  What do they know that we don’t?

And Then What Happened?

Well, the experiment paid off.  The website traffic numbers went back up, quickly.

So this was intriguing, “How does one keep their blog(s) relevant enough to compete with the pros”?

“How do you keep traffic increasing?  How do you figure out what people want”?

Just a month earlier, in May, I delved into You Tube, slowly at first, but now have 120+ videos posted.

Went to a Writer’s Retreat, started Twitter and Facebook, in July. These activities led to record numbers.

In August, represented the United States at the WMA Master’s Track & Field World Championships in Lathi, Finland.

Another record month.  Now in September, the posts are purposefully shorter, with fewer tags.  And for some reason, web traffic is breaking records, dramatically.

The only thing I can attribute this to is YOU, the reader of these blogs.  Thank you.  Your interest is humbling.  For real.