The great Summer of 2012

will the summer of 2012 be by design or by default?

Summer was, hands down, my favorite season while growing up in south central Pennsylvania. Winters, my least favorite. Not a fan of cold or grey (skies). As events in our lives unfold, we discover things about ourselves that we may not have known, for decades. How is that possible? Easy. We slowly stop exploring.

I’m proposing, if only to myself, that the Summer of 2012 becomes our greatest Summer ever.

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PS. Finally figured out I’m solar powered – palm trees and sunshine make me smile.

Failure and slacker are two different mindsets

slackers and failures will never be partners

Yesterday’s very old cartoon drawn by Walt Disney proves one thing. Slackers have been around for decades. Slackers look for others to get the hard work done.

Failures work hard to get the job done, even it they don’t succeed the first time. Or the second. Or the third. In fact a failure never fails, until she quits.

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Failure is my muse

can you find Walt Disney's "hidden" slacker?

I don’t fear failure as much as I fear not trying.

What we get from failure is something so incredibly valuable.

You can never get that from not trying.

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