How to tell if you’ll be buried alive?

find systems and processes that work for what you have

Having a full-time career involving travel, being a parent, spouse, running a small startup entrepreneurial business, volunteering, exercising, studying, managing a host of other things….it’s easy to get behind and eventually to get buried.

Truly, developing systems and processes to get and stay decently organized is a matter of survival.

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Are you haunted by your personal organization potential?

Disney Resorts
aim for perfection, settle for excellence

Are you haunted by personal organization potential? You learned to walk, talk, read, write, drive a car, use manners…you can also learn how to be decently organized.

What many fail to accept is that it is largely trial and error. Expect to fail in your attempts. Expect your systems and processes to be inefficient. Expect your slow and steady efforts to continuously make you more organized. You must have an attitude of positive expectation…

…are you haunted by your attitude potential…check here at the….Next Blog

His number one piece of entrepreneurial advice…

Look closely at the first image before looking at the second…

the Capitol Theater owner is an artist, first and foremost
the painted image is approx 2' x 3'

While in college, the Capitol Theater owner, a lifelong entrepreneur (it runs in his Family), lived out of a van and had $40k in credit card debt. He paints. He’s an accomplished artist. And he ran the show for two days exceeding my expectations at every corner.

I asked him for his number one piece of entrepreneurial advice, and without hesitation he said, “Do what you say you’re gonna do!”

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