Ten days into an awesome summer

sea grape
amazing what sun light and rain water can do to sea grape leaves

How’s your summer going so far? Let’s say we get 92 days for summer… June 1 – August 31. Okay? Dude, we still have 82 days left. How cool is that?

Insight: The days click by. Each one a precious gemstone. Or not. It’s up to us. For real.

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Three blogging tactics I don’t do anymore

hayward field
Home of Hayward Field, USA's Track & Field Capitol

Three blogging tactics I don’t do anymore:

  1. no longer use my name
  2. no longer use a long list of tags
  3. no longer use long post titles

Is this measurable? Of course. You may not notice, but I sure have. And that’s the key insight. Are you willing to make changes even if most won’t notice nor care?

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