He read the Kindle version of Mid Life Celebration last night

Mid Life Celebration Kindle version price
Mid Life Celebration price reduction to get into more hands.


He read the Kindle version of Mid Life Celebration last night, then sent this email:

I read the Kindle version last night. I actually was telling a co-worker about your book today and told her she needed to read it as well. I also asked my wife to read it. It’s easily digestible and has some very powerful ideas.

Early on in the book, I really connected with you, the author.

“I discovered, nearing the age 50, that when our young son started looking for the face of Jesus in the real world, I did not want him to have to look any further than across the dinner table.”

That was so awesome! This was just one among many other passages that were really resonated with me.

I am 38 years old now, and I can say I really got the purpose behind your book.

I rated it 5 stars on both Amazon and GoodReads.

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Practice what you preach or be quiet

Disney Executive Speaker jeff noel
On the way to a meeting.


Thirty years at Disney makes it easy to share this with you, with conviction…

Today is not a good day to put your dreams on hold.

Practice what you preach or be quiet.

We are tired of hearing what you’re going to do.

Go do it, and share it after you’ve done it.

That will inspire us.

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In two days does the world change?

Apple Watch announcement
The next big breakthrough. Photo taken while watching Apple Conference on MacBook Air.


In two days does the world change? In two days, it’ll be Friday, April 10 and these two fairly remarkable milestones will have been accomplished:

  1. Apple begins taking orders for their Apple Watch
  2. Disney Keynote Speaker, Author, and prolific blogger jeff noel publishes his 11,000th blog post

Most of the world could care less about either one. But for you crazies, you misfits, you rebels, you wonderfully visionary few, here’s to you.

Live like you mean it.

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