How Much Do You Love?

Some Parental Memories Are Blurry
Some Parental Memories Are Blurry

How much do your parents love you?

How much do you love your parents?

Our parent’s love for us is immeasurable, even if it doesn’t seem so. Maybe they just aren’t great at expressing it.

Anyone who has ever been a caregiver to a child should understand this amazing bond.

Simple Is As Simple Does

Are You Paying Attention?
Are You Paying Attention?

Simple is elusive.

Focus is elusive.

Determination is elusive.

Humility is elusive.

Unless your life purpose is clear.

Reading yesterday’s post had me question my humility.  You read it and you saw “I did”.

The thing you should understand (in case you don’t) is that there are many people who can tell you what should be done and why, but they themselves can not – not nearly to the extent they preach.

It seemed to me, there was an opportunity for a common man (perhaps a Father) to step up and try it differently.

The Dog That Stole Jesus’ Sandal

One Final Walk on Feb. 13, 2010
One Final Walk on Feb. 13, 2010

Do you day dream?

I mean sometimes, do you day dream so big that it surprises you?

Yesterday, I had a daydream that our beloved Canine Son Carter, an 11-year old Yellow Lab stole one of Jesus’ sandals.

We laid Carter to rest yesterday morning, Valentine’s Day.

It was a glorious moment when the image of Carter meeting Jesus and licking Jesus’ face so much with affectionate kisses that Jesus finally had to laugh and say, “OK Carter, enough, that’s enough already.”

And Carter obeyed. But quickly grabbed one of Jesus’ sandals and began his favorite game – keep away.

Dream big today, no matter your circumstance. Try not to let any thing or any one deprive you of your most glorious day dream.

The Dance

100% Retreiver
100% Retriever

Heading back to the vet to check on Carter.

All that’s in my mind right now is this Garth Brooks song, The Dance.

The pain that is being felt and the pain that will continue to swell, is worth every minute we spent together.

However, on the other hand, the pain is beginning to cut so deeply, but so slowly, that I hear myself thinking, “I’m never getting another Dog.”

“The pain of saying goodbye is too much for a human heart to bear.”