The Best Way To See The Power Of An Organized Life Is to Imagine Living Life The Opposite

Perfection, but only in the first hours of opening day.

Yin and yang. Life and death. Organized and disorganized. Healthy and unhealthy. Love and hate. Justice and injustice. When I started looking at life this way, the definitive answers came quickly.

Insight: Life can be explained without research and statistics.

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Dreams Are Windows To Our Soul

Lane 8 is a powerful metaphor for living life with few regrets. Why?

Dear Son, the unexamined life is hardly a life worth living – dream big dreams and wonder and explore what they mean – have fun, be safe.

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145 Years

Senior runners Julian Myers and jeff noel combined add up to 145 years (93 + 52)

Midlife Celebration’s New Year’s resolutions are:

      • Live, before I die
      • Think, smile and be grateful more often
      • reThink, rePrioritize, reCommit
      • Dream big, get there, stay there
      • Surrender, self-control, service
      • Daily reflections on excellence
      • Do something great

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Ain’t much in life guaranteed, is there?  Death and taxes, to be sure.


That’s the one.

What a beautiful gift death should be.

Just like what a beautiful gift birth should be.

And the beautiful gift of the part called “life” – in between the two.

And here’s one more thing that’s guaranteed – life will be difficult.


And this simple fact presents us with the most glorious opportunity known to humankind.

Carpe diem.