We owe it to ourselves to ask the tough questions


We owe it to ourselves to ask the tough questions.

Here’s one for starters:

Will i come alive before i die?

Bonus: Will i watch the trailer above, even though it’s Christmas Day?


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Have you or are you now?

Theme Park height requirements chart
Kids don’t feel guilty for feeling so alive. Just listen to the sounds on a playground.


Have you or are you now?

Feeling guilty for feeling so alive?

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Entrepreneurial effort doesn’t require genius, it requires desire, intentionality, and experimentation.

Two Florida Sand Hill Cranes in front yard
The American Flag (upper right) hangs in his Internet Avatar photo


There’s an intentional point to this post – to think differently…

Snapped a dozen random iPhone photos yesterday while pulling into the driveway. This picture was chosen as the best one of these two Sand Hill Cranes. It’s fun to be surprised by nature when you least expect it.

This morning was the first time noticing the American Flag in the upper right. And here’s the thing…

For the July 4th holiday in 2001, Cheryl hung an American flag on the longstanding flag post (used for years to celebrate different seasons).

Two months later 9/11 happened.

The American flag has hung there ever since.

Since 2001 we’ve retired a worn out flag twice.

All of that to tell you this… my Internet Avatar photo has an American flag in the back ground.

It’s from that spot.

And it was also random – to capture the first paid haircut in 30 years (in 2009) – in an effort to have something to show the person conducting the second paid haircut in 30 years.

Entrepreneurial effort doesn’t require genius, it requires desire, intentionality, and experimentation.

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Rocky Mountain High

That image of those three bicyclists at 8,000 feet, with the Colorado Rocky Mountains above and below them,  was permanently etched on my brain.

I had just turned 13.  And yet, I was thinking and dreaming as if I were an adult.

Their summit, the Continental Divide, was still potentially a few hours away for them, at 10,000-plus feet elevation.

Our bus would reach the summit in just ten more minutes.

Have you ever dreamed of doing something uncommonly care-free and ultra-adventurous?


What is that voice inside all of us that speaks to our desire to go on an adventure that is far beyond our present understanding and capabilities?

And wouldn’t it be nice if we could still tap into that now, and make the adventure of being a responsible adult, exciting and even, “fashionable”?

The Fear of Living


Yep, that’s our biggest fear.  But it never shows up on any list.


Because no one will admit it.

How do I know?

Because, think about it, if the fear of living wasn’t our biggest fear, why was this phrase – carpe diem – invented?

Carpe diem translates to:  “While we’re talking, envious time is fleeing: seize the day, put no trust in the future.”