Beer with Jesus

Apple Music album song list
Last song…

What would you ask Jesus if you could have a sit down with him?

Thomas Rhett

Can’t believe the first time hearing this song was yesterday.

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This website is about our HOME. This is the fifth of five daily, differently-themed blog posts about: (1) mind, (2) body, (3) spirit, (4) work, (5) home. To return to Mid Life Celebration, the site about MIND, click here.

No Hometown Prophet


Yesterday’s post, with the quote sent from Sally, is a reminder of how difficult it is to have the confidence to feel like we can make a difference.

People who know you well, will not notice your transformation, and therefore, you are much more susceptible to their ridicule and your own doubt.

And during this Lenten Season, many are reminded of Jesus’ story. Jesus wasn’t considered a Prophet in his home town, but he should have been.

Instead, he changed the course of history with his humility. And his prophetic promise, and sacrifice.

The Dog That Stole Jesus’ Sandal

One Final Walk on Feb. 13, 2010
One Final Walk on Feb. 13, 2010

Do you day dream?

I mean sometimes, do you day dream so big that it surprises you?

Yesterday, I had a daydream that our beloved Canine Son Carter, an 11-year old Yellow Lab stole one of Jesus’ sandals.

We laid Carter to rest yesterday morning, Valentine’s Day.

It was a glorious moment when the image of Carter meeting Jesus and licking Jesus’ face so much with affectionate kisses that Jesus finally had to laugh and say, “OK Carter, enough, that’s enough already.”

And Carter obeyed. But quickly grabbed one of Jesus’ sandals and began his favorite game – keep away.

Dream big today, no matter your circumstance. Try not to let any thing or any one deprive you of your most glorious day dream.

Gabe Adams Inspirational


This is one of those times when a jeff noel blog post could work in any of the five themed blogs – Mind, Body, Spirit, Money or HQ.

Well, here it is at HQ (headquarters), because it represents what I’m trying to convince myself of everyday.

“Slow down, do your best and Joyfully serve others with Faith, Hope and Love.”

Please forgive me for what I’m about to say, “If you don’t have five minutes to watch this, you are an idiot .

Click here , if you’re not an idiot too busy and you have the guts to do something great.

How Many Posts?

Total posts?

Since March 2009, 1,152.  From five daily blogs, by the way.

Not bad for a guy who simply wants to “leave a trail” for his young (9 years old) son.

And, oh yeah, one other thing.  Not bad for a father that wants to help raise enough money until a cure is found for his son’s incurable disease.

Hopefully, you’ll never tire of hearing about this.  I don’t.  How could I?