Safety Net Recall

Much goes down the drain. Don’t let it be your childhood dream…

Don’t let your safety net become your hammock.

Did you click on the hyperlink yesterday? It spoke of five reasons an MBA is considered a modern day farce.

I know full well, my MBA is pass or fail. Failure is not an option. Modern day MBA programs can’t teach that in a classroom.

The best way to learn is by doing, not talking about doing.

And it’s hard.

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Facebook Farce

Hate to admit it, but I haven’t been ‘organized’ enough to keep up with Facebook updates lately.

Between Spring projects, travel, Church, running, Cub Scouts, family time, writing, sleeping – it’s been challenging to keep up.

Not feeling obligatory pressure to keep up, it’s simply more of a commitment to stay informed with Friends’ lives.

Have about 250 Facebook Friends, purposefully keeping the number ‘small’.

Sixty Friends have ‘Liked’ Mid Life Celebration’s Fan Page, after numerous status updates, asking for their support. The other (almost half) supporters are people I’ve never met.

Maybe it’s a Facebook farce? This feeling that commitment is questionable. Or that no one notices.

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Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is a phrase people use to clean out junk, get more organized, and prepare for increased activity brought on by warmer weather.

Where does all our junk come from? And why does it seem that the more we donate, recycle or trash, the piles don’t seem to shrink, the shelves still seem full?

If your dwelling were on fire, what would you take out if you had 2 minutes?

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Mid Life Celebration Bold Moves

We welcome March today and the promise of rebirth and rejuvenation. It’s the way nature works. It’s the way we can work.

But we have to work. And work hard.

The long way is the short cut.

Not sure how many of you read Mid Life Celebration’s other 4 daily, differently themed blogs. Being bold, I think you should.

You know deep down inside, we all have convictions. And some writers put their convictions out there for all to see, and for all to critique.

The boldness comes from the idea that humans can be reborn, and become a better version of themselves.

March is dedicated to this ideal. It’s called put up or shut up.

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