Maybe It’s Time

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Maybe it’s time to remind everyone that April will change things for me. Are you expecting big change in April? Are you driving big change?

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Change is the only constant. I love routine just as much as change. Sounds conflicting, but isn’t.

The most exciting thing about proactive change?

Next Blog

PS. Am not completely sold on Feedburner. And therefore, this is not an endorsement, just an option.

jeff noel Google Front Page

jeff noel @ Top Of Google Search.  Well, yesterday anyway.  Who knows what today will bring.  Usually, jeff is in Google’s top four on Google’s front page.

Not bad for someone doing this as recently as I have.  What’s the secret?

Making common sense, common practice.   You’ll hear this over and over again.  Why?  Because, very simply, it’s what I believe.  Period.

Common sense earned it’s nickname long ago.  Why?  Because, well, because, if I have to explain it, it’s not going to make any (common) sense.