The Truth Hurts


The truth hurts. The truth can also set us free.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever!”

Can’t you just hear people saying this, or thinking it?  I say it too.  We all do sometimes.

In fact, I’ve said this all my life.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

Until a few years ago when things began to change.

One close friend describes me as, “A Transformed man.”

Just yesterday, at (spirit) I posted about the fog, the semi-conscious state many of us seem to go through life with. Some may call it auto-pilot.

As we are into the fourth day of the new year already, wanted to remind everyone that the goal from all this writing is:

  1. To leave a trail for a young child
  2. To help others with their goals
  3. To eventually raise money to find a cure

These things have the ability to help transform anyone. At the moment, it’s working slowly, but powerfully.

In Summary

2009, LLC
2009, LLC

“Knowing never equals doing”Mariah Smith

There are a ton of smart people who never fully apply themselves.

Reading lots of great books is nothing really, unless positive action is the result.

It’s like watching a ton of sports and knowing a ton about sports, but you’re not in sound physical condition.

Never one to be accused of, or associated with, intellectual giants, I have often been called crazy. Crazy is often a poor attempt to define someone as “special”.

Having ideas is nothing.

And I finally did something about it a year ago.

Nine years left in my ten year plan.

How far out do your plans go?


Ain’t much in life guaranteed, is there?  Death and taxes, to be sure.


That’s the one.

What a beautiful gift death should be.

Just like what a beautiful gift birth should be.

And the beautiful gift of the part called “life” – in between the two.

And here’s one more thing that’s guaranteed – life will be difficult.


And this simple fact presents us with the most glorious opportunity known to humankind.

Carpe diem.

Today’s Shocking News

Today’s shocking news.

“You ain’t gonna live forever!”

Shocking?  Not in the usual sense of the word.

Shocking because of how rampant and perverse is the notion that we don’t plan for our death.

I mean, if you randomly asked 100 people, “When’s your funeral?”, how many would have an answer?

Of course, most people have no idea when, which is exactly my point.


But we’re all going to die.  It’s one of life’s great truths. And yet most people I know have no notion of how long they may theoretically have left.

So, my question then is this, “If your death happened sooner than you thought it would, what would you regret not having done?”